NyghtCraft is the creative outlet of Designer/Creator Ashton Synn.
Ashton resides in the NetherWorld’s deepest leather mine where he manifests his unique visions into wearable Leathern Artwear both beautiful and diabolical.
Apprenticed to no one, he taught himself his craft.
He has been working with leather for 36 years and has made it his profession for the past 31.
This grim determination has earned him the honor of designing and creating leather gear for some of his own favorite bands including The MISFITS , White Zombie, and GWAR.
His “Devastator X” Vambraces and “Spinal Remains” Jacket, worn by Jerry Only, represent the MISFITS in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Ashton has long been a vendor at numerous Boston/Cambridge area Goth/Industrial and Fetish nights from “HELL”, “Fantasy Factory”, and “The B&D Ball” at ManRay, to CEREMONY, SinOmatic, Superstition, Darq, VaudEvil, and Afterlife as well as several conventions and his past merchanting at SCA events too numerous to list over the decades.
When all is said and done Ashton finds himself happiest when he is designing and fashioning his unique, and often dark, leathercraft in his cavernous NetherWorld home.
(Photo by: Darkwell Studios)